Submission terms

By submitting this form you agree to give PossiblyAxolotl permission to freely transform, modify, and redistribute any submitted content, excluding email addresses, without additional consent. The purpose of this is primarily to display both the unedited and edited content as well as the display name of the submitter in a YouTube video about editing videos.

You also confirm that you have all necessary rights to grant this permission. If you don't have the rights, you accept full responsibility for any legal action taken by the copyright owner(s).

If your submission is selected you will receive an edited version you can freely transform, modify, and redistribute, via the email address provided. Some level of credit, such as putting "edited by PossiblyAxolotl" in the description if you upload it to YouTube is recommended, but not required.

As a reminder there is no guarantee I will edit every submission, especially if I recieve a lot or one doesn't seem fun to edit.

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